
- Happy Everything & Everywhere in 2011

Holiday 2010 - Califon, New Jersey


For Strangers we all are -
Its a sin.- .


-. Lumiere .

Nadine's Room, Lumiere of Perfection. Greenpoint, 2010


East Village is covered
by tears this morning
the streets, the doors,
the windows
for some Light

Nadine's room,
though is untouchable
from any tear
It embodies the
Light of the Perfect silence.
things left there waiting
without demanding more Light
to see or feel

Left here
without demanding
more light
to see or feel

I am peace-full

- Garia August


Sketch of Eidothea by Fotis Politis, Hotel Delmano - Brooklyn 2010

5 Nymphs it is time to

Tell Everyone
is Swinging around me

at Hotel Delmano
found the warmth
of the Volcano


that didn't allow Eros
to come near surround me

with his fear

Do not look at me
in the eyes
I have already lost
the sight of one love
cant bear a second one to lose

Look down

cover your faces

with my hair

and lets move fast

The music of Apollo
is swinging around me
from afar -.

- Eidothea, Hotel Delmano Dec 5th -Brooklyn 2010

Love for that boy -.

- Sappho, Translated by Mary Barnard


- Myth of Today or Appropriation of Ancient?

Tribeca - New York, 2008

What is Myth Today?

Myth is a type of speech.
Myth is a system of communication, that is a message. Since everything is a type of speech, everything can be a myth provided it is conveyed by a discourse.

- Roland Barthes, book "Mythologies"

According to you, could the life of a young girl who left Greece to find new life in America become The MYTH OF TODAY?
and how this myth would be of Today?
by continuing the Ancient Mythology?
or by creating a Modern One?


Twin Peaks -.

Laura Palmer from the David Lynch "Twin Peaks" Series
You told me
to hold your hand
in the strangeness of that night
i saw a struggle in that gesture
just because of all that darkness
--------You said to follow you
across the land
of the unknown mountain path
i saw a deadly paved streed in front of me
and nowhere to run
and nowhere to escape from
You tied so hard that rope
against my heart that night
squeezing my blooded veins
you set me free
-----------------------------------------------For love is blind
of what we want to say
during these dark hours of
our last togetherness
And now|
the Twin Peaks mountain
is all there is to search for
my marks to find
------But now where am I? search for you wont find my love
you are the one who killed us first
with those hands of your own skin
And what if you didnt use a rope,?
or a knife or another inventing of our times
to announce the ending of me?
you still left me there dead
lying on my own daily deathbed alone for years on end

- Garia August


- Havana Moon Nautilus

Drawing from a Jules Verne book

I look at the Havana Moon tonight and all I see is the complete finite world of Verne's Nautilus.

The image of a ship, so important in Verne's mythology is not simply a symbol of departure; it is at a deeper level, the emblem of closure. An inclination for ships always means the joy of perfectly enclosing oneself, of having at hand the greatest possible number of objects, and having at one's disposal an absolutely finite space. A ship according to Verne is first a habitat before being a means of transport and the moon tonight is first a space of completion before being a space of exploration.


- 100 Freewoman Street

100 Freeman Street, Greenpoint, NY, 2008

100 Freewoman street. -

I saw that door again
it looked at me
with its heavy look of steel
Open I ordered
Let me in
I walked up the same stairs
the steps smelled like a memory that was erasen
the steps smelled like a memory that
cries out to be new again

I walked the same corridor
passed the wood factory
and found new life
at the cat cow studio

And suddenly I turned to the right
my eye made a hole through the walls
was it 104?
i cant remember

i saw through
walls of broken lives
walls of others
walls that are not ours anymore

the promise is still there
in the sounds of those walls
"This house I made for us"

its just getting nice outside
Look at the Moon
Feel the misty night
Monica Naam and I
we walk and talk
we walk and talk

Break the link
or keep it
Break the link
or keep it
More light

I forgive Me
I forgive You
You forgive Me?

You are a Free Man
and with Me
I am there, and here
here and there
Some days free
Some days far away
Some days near

Last night we
were there
I was seating on
the light green broken chair
You were seating on
the stool
Last night we
were there again
on the street naked

Me, A Freewoman
You, A Freeman
Whats left
its just
street -
and a
big thick
wall -

Maybe the wind breaks the wall
and we walk the street together

"For We Creatures Are the Wind "

- Garia August
November 15th, 2010


Salut -.

Annalisa Frob Arcando, nyc 2010

Salut, c'est encore moi e mes memoires.....
Love is the Answer

Till we meet again our good friend.....
Love is the answer

- Garia August


Moment of Surrender -

Wedding Bed, October 16th, 2010 - Inn at Irving

I surrender to the emptiness of any moment
that I may have to spend without you
the emptiness of the white A4 paper
that bothers my free typewriter a night with no ink

I surrender to the emptiness of my laugh
when its not meeting a laugh thats yours

Did I tell you I surrender?
You out there,
free man
free woman
of our times

Tonight I surrender
to the time apart that makes us stronger for one another
and not hollow humans of an emotionally insecure system
that we don't belong to

Tonight I am having a moment of Surrender
to the passion that will not keep us far from each other
to that fire that will not keep us competitors of our flames

I am not asking from you
to surrender to me
I am asking from you
to surrender to yourself

I am aware of the S P A C E
that will exist if I lose you
my precious one -

- Garia August

Inspired by E. & S. J. who did surrender.



A week passed by. seven days.
only seven, but to me it felt like many more. So many things happened that stimulated my thinking during the past week; I learnt that a good support system like a mentor or a teacher can be a system that is not perfect. That has fears of its own. It can be a system that is temporary.

As I was wondering how I would continue this project without the support of my mentor; I wrote down in a paper how i would like my life to be after this project is complete and has real published roots in a book format.

I even went further deep in my thoughts tonight as I was watching live at the Apollo Theater the New York Times Best Seller Author; David Sedaris; reading in front of a crowd that was deeply allured by the styles and voices of his funny and satiric litterature and I imagined myself and my two heteronyms reading live at the Apollo Theater as well one day.

When I walked back home, I tried to open the video that my very good friend Leslie Kobrin prepared from my last weeks' celebration at Anyway Cafe. I had difficulty opening it the past days but tonight I managed to open it and see Maria, Garia and Eidothea reading in front of their friends; in front of their support system.

Maybe one day they will also read live at the Apollo Theater and Blue Velvet will also be there to sing.....maybe...........................................................................................................................For the time being this past week proved to me that WE HAVE TO CONTINUE DREAMING no matter what happens and we should NEVER GIVE UP no matter what the challenges are!
Every day is part of the journey till we find our own Ithaki...

Hope you enjoy the below video with the reading from the 1st year Celebration



C'est une chanson qui nous ressemble....

My Dear Silent Man,

The moon is ready to transform into sun where you are.Tuesday, October 26th 10pm

I am at Anyway Cafe celebrating and although there is harmony in the air, your absence is keeping me awake from this dream. Who Am I to think that the dream will remain if you are not here with me?

I wonder, can you hear the music?
You see, I did not forget the song you sang to me

E la mer efface sur le sable
Les pas des amants de Julie

Have I told you that LOVE IS FOREVER?
Yes, Forever, there is a love that is forever and that is my love for the friends of Finding Eidothea and for you my dear.

Les feuilles mortes se ramassent a la pelle

You are not in this room now. The night is taking with her the last memory of you.
And I need you.

Who is going to appear now to keep me in sanity in these lonely nights far away from the good and evil of the Journey?

Yes, she will appear now.
The Sea Nymph will appear. Her steps are near

- Garia August


You are Invited, Save the Date

You are All Invited:
FindingEidothea Blogspot: 1st Year Anniversary Celebration
Tuesday October 26TH
@ Anyway Cafe: 34 East 2nd Street
From 9pm till /// dawn
(we should celebrate the Greek way)
At the Piano: Roman Ivanoff
Special Guests: Blue Velvet & Eidothea


Next Tuesday, October 26th 2011 is the

I have been thinking how to thank you all for your support and for believing in Maria Garozi, Garia August, Eidothea, D.X.G and our stories.

When I started this blog, I was hesitant about my writings and about sharing my thoughts openly. Part of the fear had to do with the fact that English is my second language.

I remember my mentor saying:
"why do you worry so much about making your life public?"

"You will just have thoughts seating there on a page. Besides, they dont need to make sense. You dont make sense either with your many You's so dont be afraid"

I also remember my Father sending me an email one day after the first month the blog was publicized:"Twra zoume ston asterismo ths Eidotheas kai tou Finding Eidothea blog. Mas leipeis alla to blog mas krata konta sou."

And then I remember, one of the first most motivating moments. It was when signing in the blog one afternoon to write a post, I realized that Gerry Boyd was my first follower. He made me believe in me. We were three reading the blog at that afternoon; My Father, Gerry and Garia who was posting again a crazy love story.

Almost a year later, because of all of you who like, follow and comment on the blog, Finding Eidothea has 26 Followers, 2,220 Visitors, many friends in fb and many more unknown friends who check our writings sporadically.

Because of You, my heteronyms have a community! And I never feel lonely in this country anymore.

This is why I feel we need to celebrate together with a special Finding Eidothea Vodka Infusion drink!!!

Stop by Anyway Cafe this coming Tuesday for a drink...
I will definitely be there and Garia is definitely paying the bill :-)
Hope you join us
- Maria Garozi


Comme J'ai Mal


The sun is rising in my heart now.
It is Tuesday October 20th, 2:20am.

I am still in New York. No sign of Lourelien for almost a year.And you my love? Where are you? I often recall the time we spent together. The room has still your perfume. Some nights. Other nights I get mad with both of you that you left me alone and I dont even walk in the room.

Comme J'ai Mal sans...

Last night I finally had an adventure. I liked it. It didn't feel as if it came out of need or anger or loneliness. It came out of pure desire for another flesh. another heart. another breath.

It was not your breath that I felt by my side last night.
Do you understand my love? It was not your breath..

Madame G doesn't like that I hang staff allover the place. She says that I am keeping the memories alive and that sometimes memories need to stay in the past.

You have to stay in the past now.
Till you appear again that is.

Love pour toujours,

Sandrine X.


- The multiple "You" and "I"

with C.N. and S.R and our multiple "I"s /// New York 2010

there are moments with friends that we value as moments of true joy,moments that we are our true self;

We look closely at the photo of that moment
and then we realize that our true self is multi dimensional.We can never be our One true self because the various parts of the self are all present at once always. One that wants to be mysterious and distant, one that wants to show a smile, one that wants to have fun,
one that wants to simply scream of happiness.

Its all about admitting that our multiple "I"s are always present without having to see the photo to realize it.

Have you ever tried to get to know your own multiple "You"s?


A lettre to a lover or a friend?

Upper East Side, New york 2010
Mon cher A.D.,

It is a Tuesday. I am at Anyway cafe with Blue Velvet having a special mango vodka drink. I can feel the drug touching my body slowly. The drug is going down. Every sip is a new burning itch inside me.

It is the same burning itch that our kiss left in my thoughts the other night. But those burning thoughts faded away fast.

Today Garia announced to my mentor that she cant write. That she is not inspired anymore. That she needs a love reaction to support her being at this sensitive period of her creative paths. She is not Inspired. She is NOT.She was mad. Mad from her own self. Mad with her own self.

"You have help arriving tomorrow" my mentor replied, referring to Mother's arrival. "And you have this friend of whom you talk often, Blue Velvet" he added. You have the right support to be inspired. The one you really need.

Maybe he is right.

I am sending you a photo I took of Blue Velvet a la maison cooking. She is a soprano, but I call her a tenor. She has a unique voice and she takes good care of us. Especially of Garia.

Goodbye Never lover ever friend


- Simple Man. // Silent Man -

At some point of my life in New York, I happened to wonder what in life is forever. Does anything last forever? We don't even last forever...our mortal side at least... So I spent a whole day last year asking all those who I knew what was for them Forever.

My manager said "Nothing is Forever"

A friend asked me back "But isn't our friendship forever?"

and then at the end of the day I passed by the house of the 80 year old Silent Man, Antonio, on 7th Street who I realized is a Simple Man same like the other two.

80 year old Silent Man Antonio. East village, 2010

I looked at him carefully

his eyes with dry tears same as the ones he trained me to have

"Antonio, let me ask you this. What is forever?"

He paused. He knew I was making decisions. He knew I was changing.

He knew my question was more deep than its sound.

Few minutes later he replied:

"hold on. I will tell you what is Forever. THE BEGINNING IS FOREVER"

And then a memory appeared. The memory of the boy standing on 9th street. He is wearing his used green pants. He is fixing his light blue shirt and his hair while waiting for me to go meet him for the first time. I see him from across the street. He looks funny but sweet. He doesn't look forever from far away and thats why I could never believe that his love could be forever. But that beginning was forever.

"Yes, the beginning is forever", I replied to Antonio with a smile.

What is forever to you?


// What lies between //-------- Air of SILENCE

High, Higher to the highest explosion of emotions
Low, Lower to the lowest reaction of devotionsIn between there is air,
feeling the gap
between what is half full
and what is half emtpy
////////////////////////////////////////////The mortal life is half emptyThe immortal one is half full
And what lies where the half empty
meets the half full
is a feeling of emptiness
that meets one of completion
what I call a heart
what I name G A R I A
what you all see as thin horizon of Air

The ride is going upMy thoughts get lighterI want to release all those invisible parts escape,let them
become one with what lies
in between 
they run far away from methey run around in cyrcles
to find the
meeting point of the ones
who live in
S i l e n C e Si Lence S I L E N C E

they go in cyrcles

they go towards West

cyrcles of my thoughts

but look towards the East

cyrcles of my thoughts

My ride still goes Up
but that aint the stairway to heaven

The stairway to heaven
is right below
at that moment that I am
at the lowest,

point of my own existence
where the human
cant meet the god in me
and i can no longer call myself
a writer the way Roland Barthes describes one

Take my ride down again
take it down
let the lady
see the ground
let the heart
hear its sound
sobbing for its emptiness
new cyrcle of my thoughts
lead to a
great desire
make the heart
wonder harder
make the heart
break the silence
harder off we go
so that we rise
up again
as a whole
a Human -
a God -
and a heart
that is our Muse -
I am Free --------//

Am I blind?
Do you see more in what lies between the half empty and the half full?

Release ME with your thoughts...
- Maria Garozi


-....Brothers in Arms....-

//Last night the city's sounds marked inside me a feeling of bluriness. A blurry image like the above photo which I took last year in east village. I wandered around like a ghost. The streets were lighted up, the friends were shopping,the designers were being glorified, the magazine editors were shinning like bright creative stars.

Fashion Night Out! A global celebration!I was part of it But I had still that blury feeling...I wasnt sure I should be celebrating or not. I could still smell ashes underneath the red carpets on the streets.

But today,as I was looking at the children modeling at the first Kids Fashion Week /Petite Parade at the Metropolitan Pavillion which was supported by a magazine I work for;VOGUE Bambini;the blury image started becoming more clear and crispy inside me. I saw hope and new life, apart from the cutest Fashion ever!

Walking home, outside of Mc Sorley's Old Ale House I saw the most impressive runway ever. An array of Harley Davidson motorcycles modeling on 7th street.

"You should come more often guys with these beauties in our hood" I said to one man who was just fixing his Harley.

"We came from Rhode Island" he replied

"Are you part of a motorcycle club?" I asked


That's so nice of you. I was so busy with Fashion Week that I didnt manage to think about Sept 11th. But also I am Greek. I wasnt here when it happened. I live here only the last 6 years" I added

"Wherever you are from, whoever you are, dont forget that we are brothers in arms in this world.
What you like doing most?"

"Writing" I replied

"So, go home and write. And know, that you did it in honor of the victims of that day"

And just like that the city's streets were not blurry anymore.....

and I realized that we have to honor the past but also keep the celebration going on! We have to enjoy life as brothers in arms ...

- Garia August


-. Born in the Usa

The family was still at the apartment on Agiou Polykarpou Street in the area of New Smyrni in Athens. This had been the family's first home since my parents had exchanged vows to be a married couple. It was a two bedroom apartment with a big kitchen area, a very large living room divided in two differenet spaces and one bathroom. Mother and father had the bigger bedroom while I was sharing the smaller one with my Yiayia (Grandmother in Greek). She was my mothers' mother.

It is a Friday night around 9pm. We are still waiting Mother to come home from work. Yiayia is in the back of the apartment in our room taking a nap. She is definitely snoaring at this moment. It only takes her 10 minutes of quite sleep and then she starts snoring with a deep loud snor that keeps me awake and all I can do, is start clapping loudly with the hope that she will get scared, wake up and stop snoaring. But usually, it is not effective. I only achieve to listen to my clapping as it is echoing in the room which keeps me even more awake and in the end I need to start counting the 100 Greek sheeps to put myself into sleep. Thankfully, it is not yet time for me to go to bed. Mother had promised to bring us souvlakia home from Thanassis in Monastiraki so we will stay up with father and wait for her while doing our favorite thing; watching American music videos. As father puts a tape in the VCR to play, I start having my first encounter with the then representation of the ultimate American Rocker; Bruce Springsteen. Blue Jeans stretched allowing me to visualize the singer’s sex, white shirt placed loosely inside the jeans, short sleeves turned towards the elbows and a cool slow movement of the hips as the singer dances.

“Look Maria, Look what he will do now” Dad said while Bruce was stretching his right arm to reach Courtney Cox who is one of his fans on the video and brings her on the stage with him to dance.

“And wait until you listen to the next song” he added

The lyrics started like this:

Born down in a dead man’s town

Born in the Usa I was

“BORN IN THE USA” father screams loudly in the living room

“BORN IN THE USA” I yell back at him

In America, the Born in the USA song expressed signs of hope in the daily fight of the standard American in following the American dream and not only. It had many more meanings.

In our Greek apartment, the Born in the USA song expressed signs of hope and love. Signs of a strong connection betwen a standard Greek father and his daughter. For few years, it became our home's anthem!

Right after that Rockin night at home, I remember father giving me one of my most memorable gifts, that is after the world globe, which I kept next to me by my bed for about a whole year. It was my first tape ever and most loved one since it had Bruce’s adorably shaped butt on the cover and the American flag as a backdrop. I used to take that tape everywhere with me. I hid it in the school bag and go proudly to listen to my school teachers preaching about Math, History and literature while I had my mind set at that moment that we were at the living room with Father singing as the band of Springsteen.

I often wonder now days if father ever thought that all I wanted to truly do when I left home to come to America, was to hear him saying in the land of USA the below lyrics from the Born in the Usa song:

I am a true Rockin daddy in the USA now

Because that is who he is becoming. It is not difficult to imagine the union with my father on the studio apartment on 6th street once I will be an American citizen and father will be a true Rockin daddy in the USA. His smoky eyes and woolflike lined up teeth smiling of admiration for the woman I have chosen to become while glancing at the art-covered walls, the racks of books and the Finding Eidothea book cover mockup hanging as a big poster on the bathroom.

I give him to wear the leather used motorcycle jacket that I bought for him from a St. Marks vintage store. I am already wearing mine. The You Tube video of the Born in the Usa song is on. We are singing together again while mother cooks for us in my small east village gas stove the traditional Garozi family breakfast; two sunny side up eggs, sausage (the famous parizaki in greek) and small pieces of kasseri cheese.