
- Simple Man. // Silent Man -

At some point of my life in New York, I happened to wonder what in life is forever. Does anything last forever? We don't even last forever...our mortal side at least... So I spent a whole day last year asking all those who I knew what was for them Forever.

My manager said "Nothing is Forever"

A friend asked me back "But isn't our friendship forever?"

and then at the end of the day I passed by the house of the 80 year old Silent Man, Antonio, on 7th Street who I realized is a Simple Man same like the other two.

80 year old Silent Man Antonio. East village, 2010

I looked at him carefully

his eyes with dry tears same as the ones he trained me to have

"Antonio, let me ask you this. What is forever?"

He paused. He knew I was making decisions. He knew I was changing.

He knew my question was more deep than its sound.

Few minutes later he replied:

"hold on. I will tell you what is Forever. THE BEGINNING IS FOREVER"

And then a memory appeared. The memory of the boy standing on 9th street. He is wearing his used green pants. He is fixing his light blue shirt and his hair while waiting for me to go meet him for the first time. I see him from across the street. He looks funny but sweet. He doesn't look forever from far away and thats why I could never believe that his love could be forever. But that beginning was forever.

"Yes, the beginning is forever", I replied to Antonio with a smile.

What is forever to you?


  1. Beautiful! Thank you for sharing your insights.

  2. ... a scent, that brings up a beautiful memory, a significant someone or something familiar that you don’t remember exactly what it is...

  3. @ Julian: Thank you for the comment!

    @Dimi. B.: I will go see Antonio today and will share your comment with him. Absolutely, forever can be something or someone that you don't remember exactly what it is...That was great!

  4. Υπάρχει ένα στίχος σε κάποιο τραγούδι του Γιάννη Κότσιρα που λέει "...όμως το άρωμά σου μέχρι σήμερα, αγριεύει μέσα μου τα ήμερα..."
    Αυτό δεν σου ακούγεται σαν....ΓΙΑ ΠΑΝΤΑ?

  5. "NAI" pantws to arwma aftwn pou mas grafeis me hremei...nai,nai,nai afto einai gia PANTA...sou xamogelame :-) GIA PANTA

    eisai foverh Dimi B!
    Thank you for following Finding Eidothea!

  6. Sas xamogelw ki egw gia PANTA! Touto dw to blog moy dinei ebnefsi, me kanei na skeftomai, na anapolw, na thimamai & na proxwrw parakatw!

    Sas Efxaristw!Gia PANTA!

  7. I would like to believe True Love is forever, however in our mortal life I don't believe anything can really be 'forever'. People come and go, the earth, the sun, the stars, everything is variable and everything has an end. So here on earth, there is no forever.

    However within our time span on earth I believe that change is forever, as we are a forever changing world.

  8. A loved perfume, a special taste in a recipe, small accurate special things, details (like the scene described ahead) that took place in our memory and that are coming to us when we don't expect them to come.
    These things always come to us by surprise.
    Those things, feelings, memories are part of our brain, our memory, our soul, and belong to us.. forever.
