//Last night the city's sounds marked inside me a feeling of bluriness. A blurry image like the above photo which I took last year in east village. I wandered around like a ghost. The streets were lighted up, the friends were shopping,the designers were being glorified, the magazine editors were shinning like bright creative stars.
Fashion Night Out! A global celebration!I was part of it But I had still that blury feeling...I wasnt sure I should be celebrating or not. I could still smell ashes underneath the red carpets on the streets.
But today,as I was looking at the children modeling at the first Kids Fashion Week /Petite Parade at the Metropolitan Pavillion which was supported by a magazine I work for;VOGUE Bambini;the blury image started becoming more clear and crispy inside me. I saw hope and new life, apart from the cutest Fashion ever!
Walking home, outside of Mc Sorley's Old Ale House I saw the most impressive runway ever. An array of Harley Davidson motorcycles modeling on 7th street.
"You should come more often guys with these beauties in our hood" I said to one man who was just fixing his Harley.
"We came from Rhode Island" he replied
"Are you part of a motorcycle club?" I asked
"That's so nice of you. I was so busy with Fashion Week that I didnt manage to think about Sept 11th. But also I am Greek. I wasnt here when it happened. I live here only the last 6 years" I added
"Wherever you are from, whoever you are, dont forget that we are brothers in arms in this world. What you like doing most?"
"Writing" I replied
"So, go home and write. And know, that you did it in honor of the victims of that day"
And just like that the city's streets were not blurry anymore.....

- Garia August
I love this blurry post Garia, and the pictures too.you have those really interesting encounters in the streets.
Yuval.What a suprise! Thank you for your comment.
ReplyDeleteI feel our neighborhood is so magical that allows
such interesting encounters to happen every day...
- Garia
ReplyDeleteSimera einai to Fashion Night Out event stin Athina! Kai niwthw ki egw tin idia tholoura & aveveotita...Apo ti mia giortazoume & eksimnoume ti moda & ti dinatotita na agorazoume agatha...Ki apo tin alli biwnoume mia skliri pragmatikotika me ti xwra mas na brisketai brosta se oikonomiko adiexodo. Paradoxo? Antikrouomeno? Paralogo? H apla to "kalo" kai to "kako" siniparxoun panta sto perasma tou xronou????
ReplyDeletekalispera apo New York!
Afth th tholoura elpizw na tin eniwsan polla atoma simera sthn Athina giati simainei oti yparxei provlimatismos, pou isws mia mera ferh allagh kai odigisei se proodo...
Prosfata gnwrisa dyo paidia apo Alexandroupolh pou eixan erthei for a visit to New York. Kanwntas volta stous dromous ths Neas Yorkhs, tous zitousa na me enimerwsoun gia ti katastash
sthn Ellada. Sygekrimena rwtisa,
"Oi Ellines me afth tin oikonomikh krish pou yparxei, vgainoun akoma ta vradya sta bouzoukia na petaksoune garyfala kai na spasoune piata?"
"Oxi oso palia" mou apantisan ta paidia
Etsi kai sto Fashion Night Out, pistevw oti oi Ellines hthelan na giortasoun afto to Fashion Celebration alla den pistevw oti eixan to budget na pswnisoun osa tha epithymousan.To opoio to eida na symvainei kai sto NYC fashion Night Out stis boutique sto Soho. Polloi ligoi pswnizan.
Sigoura einai paradokso alla einai endeiksh that The Show must go on!
Exeis toso dikio! The show must go on, alla xreiazontai neoi oroi & kanones pou adapokrinontai sti nea taxi pragmatwn. Oso gia ta bouzoukia...o Ellinas panta tha bgainei, tha xenixtaei kai tha pernaei kala! Einai sto DNA mas! Apla exoume brei enalaktikes! Pleon blepeis pareakia stis plateies kai sta pagkakia, o kosmos psaxnei & psaxnetai se low budget events, enw ta pareistika bradia se filika spitia exoun tin timitiki tous :-)
ReplyDeleteFilia apo Athina!