
// Undun //

i really felt it again tonight. New York is changing.We're changing.

the dinner was very nice. The conversation with my good friends C.T., J.R. and D.M. reminded me of some of the changes that are happening in the city and in our world.

we spoke about ipad magazine subscriptions competing with magazine newsstand sales,disappearance of the so called middle class,protests on wall street, protests of young students on a saturday night at 12:00am on Lafayette street heading uptown.

11:40pm. The streets in Soho are empty. There is no one to continue the conversation with. Maybe everyone has felt the change and they just stay inside their houses synchronizing their ipad with their laptop which is already synched with the contacts of the old iphone but has to be resynchronized again with the newly bought iphone that replaced the previous version.

my iphone which is synched with itunes is playing the song "Undun" by The Guess Who. And all I can think of is the below writing by RILKE:

"Go into yourself. ...Delve into yourself for a deep answer. And if this should be affirmative if you may meet this earnest question with a strong and simple "I must" then BUILD YOUR LIFE ACCORDING TO THIS NECESSITY;"

Goodnight New York; City that Never Sleeps!
Tonight you felt as if you are

Tomorrow of course is a New Day...and who knows, maybe our world will become a better place if we all build our lives according to the necessity of making it one..//

- D.X.G.