
- 100 Freewoman Street

100 Freeman Street, Greenpoint, NY, 2008

100 Freewoman street. -

I saw that door again
it looked at me
with its heavy look of steel
Open I ordered
Let me in
I walked up the same stairs
the steps smelled like a memory that was erasen
the steps smelled like a memory that
cries out to be new again

I walked the same corridor
passed the wood factory
and found new life
at the cat cow studio

And suddenly I turned to the right
my eye made a hole through the walls
was it 104?
i cant remember

i saw through
walls of broken lives
walls of others
walls that are not ours anymore

the promise is still there
in the sounds of those walls
"This house I made for us"

its just getting nice outside
Look at the Moon
Feel the misty night
Monica Naam and I
we walk and talk
we walk and talk

Break the link
or keep it
Break the link
or keep it
More light

I forgive Me
I forgive You
You forgive Me?

You are a Free Man
and with Me
I am there, and here
here and there
Some days free
Some days far away
Some days near

Last night we
were there
I was seating on
the light green broken chair
You were seating on
the stool
Last night we
were there again
on the street naked

Me, A Freewoman
You, A Freeman
Whats left
its just
street -
and a
big thick
wall -

Maybe the wind breaks the wall
and we walk the street together

"For We Creatures Are the Wind "

- Garia August
November 15th, 2010

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