static crossroads - Lower East Side // nyc 2006
I am walking upstairs. I am falling in love with these blue stairs. It is the fourth time..or the fifth or the one millionth that i walk them in my dreams. I arrive on the top floor.
The door is open. There are flowers everywhere on the floor
There is music loud. VERY LOUD. EXTREMELY LOUD
Its the Led Zeppelin song "Rock and Roll" playing
It definitely was the Rock and Roll period for both of us. I was wearing my half waisted leather men's jacket and he was wearing one ring on every finger notating one woman for every finger.I knew that all I had to do was to get undressed and walk straight to the bathroom to find him and find my peace.
And the morning after, all I had to do was to take a foto early am in the morning like the one above that was shot one early morning close to East Broadway street.
It has been almost two years that his house was not in a good condition. The bathroom was not fixed. The house was deserted just like the moments between us.
Year 2011. Friday December 9 //
sms SM: Come see my new house
sms GA: Bathroom?
sms SM: yes new
sms SM: "Its been such a long long time since we Rock and Roll" Carry me babe
sms GA: Yes it has been a long time. We can fix that
sms SM: Are you still writing?
sms GA: Will you still bathe me?
Am I still writing I questioned myself?
Is anyone still reading ?
? ? ? ?
It's been a long long time......
- Garia August