
- Happy Everything & Everywhere in 2011

Holiday 2010 - Califon, New Jersey


For Strangers we all are -
Its a sin.- .


-. Lumiere .

Nadine's Room, Lumiere of Perfection. Greenpoint, 2010


East Village is covered
by tears this morning
the streets, the doors,
the windows
for some Light

Nadine's room,
though is untouchable
from any tear
It embodies the
Light of the Perfect silence.
things left there waiting
without demanding more Light
to see or feel

Left here
without demanding
more light
to see or feel

I am peace-full

- Garia August


Sketch of Eidothea by Fotis Politis, Hotel Delmano - Brooklyn 2010

5 Nymphs it is time to

Tell Everyone
is Swinging around me

at Hotel Delmano
found the warmth
of the Volcano


that didn't allow Eros
to come near surround me

with his fear

Do not look at me
in the eyes
I have already lost
the sight of one love
cant bear a second one to lose

Look down

cover your faces

with my hair

and lets move fast

The music of Apollo
is swinging around me
from afar -.

- Eidothea, Hotel Delmano Dec 5th -Brooklyn 2010

Love for that boy -.

- Sappho, Translated by Mary Barnard


- Myth of Today or Appropriation of Ancient?

Tribeca - New York, 2008

What is Myth Today?

Myth is a type of speech.
Myth is a system of communication, that is a message. Since everything is a type of speech, everything can be a myth provided it is conveyed by a discourse.

- Roland Barthes, book "Mythologies"

According to you, could the life of a young girl who left Greece to find new life in America become The MYTH OF TODAY?
and how this myth would be of Today?
by continuing the Ancient Mythology?
or by creating a Modern One?